Assignment #7

I am working on Assignment #7.

Question 1) Which category of Canadian Personalities interested you the most? Did you like the "we inspired", "we founded", "we fought", "we built" or "we governed" section the best? Why?

I was most interested in the "we built" category. I was most interested in the "we built" category because of the interesting lives of the people in the category. For example Samuel De Champlain. He founded the settlement of New France. (modern day Quebec)

Question 2) Which personality interested you the most? Why? Find an image of him or her to embed (add to the body of your post) and write, in your own words, a short description of what he or she did and why he or she is your favourite. If you get information from any source, you must credit it by creating a link to it (that includes information from the site that I've asked you to look at).

Samuel De Champlain interested me the most. Samuel De Champlain interested me the most because he mapped the route to most of Canada and founded the settlement of New France. (modern day Quebec)
I got my Information from this site

Question 3) In your post, suggest three more influential Canadian personalities that could be added to this site. Why did you choose these people? Which categories would they fit into?

The first influential Canadian personality I would like to recommend is Daniel Igali. The reason I chose Daniel Igali is because he was the first Canadian to become a wrestling champion which is a very big deal! The second influential Canadian personality I chose is David Suzuki. I chose David Suzuki because he has done so many thing so help preserve the earth for further generations. Also David Suzuki has been inspiring many of the youth all over the world which will benefit our earth. The last influential Canadian I chose is Roberta Bondar. I chose Roberta Bondar to be my final influential Canadian because she was the first female astronaut to go into space.
Daniel Igali would fit into the "We Inspired" category. David Suzuki would fit into the "We Inspired" category. Roberta Bondar would fit into the "We Inspired" category and the "We Fought" category.

Question #4) Which History-Maker did you have the most in common with? Were you able to figure it out from the clues given? What do you share with that person? What are some things that are different between you and that person?

I was most common with David McTaggart. I was not able to figure it out with the clues given. Both of us love to play tennis. He was a protester and was given the nickname of "Shadow Warrior" because of his bravery during protests. Me I would not protest because I'm too scared to find out what the police will do to me.

Question 8) One hundred years from now, (in 2109!) imagine that students are learning about Canadian History Makers and they discover you. What will you be remembered for? How were you a Canadian History Maker? You are using your imagination, so think about some things that you would like to accomplish in your life and imagine that you have all the accomplishments of your life to look back on. Write a short profile of yourself, imagining the contributions you have made to the future of Canada.

I will be remember for being the greatest wrestler of all time. I will also be remembered for holding the World Heavyweight Championship for the longest time in history. Also I will be remembered for opening a organization called "Strength For Life" which helps kids become stronger and more confident.

Assignment #6

General Information

Daniel Igali is a is a gold medalist Olympic wrestler. He won his gold medal in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Austrailia. He went to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. In Beijing he was a coach and a mentor for a pair of Nigerian wrestlers. Now Daniel Igali intends on opening a school in his village in Eniwari, Nigeria. He has earned a recent inductee into the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame.


Baraladei Daniel Igali was born and was raised in Niger Delta, in the village of Eniwari, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. When he was 16 in the year of 1990 he wanted to become a wrestler. Daniel has 20 brothers and sisters so he had a lot of emotional support and he had a lot of people to train with. He knew he had talent so he entered the 1990 Senior National Wrestling Tournament and won. Years later Daniel became the African Champion after winning the 62kg weight class in Pretoria, South Africa, and Cairo and Egypt. Over three years Daniel's record of 116-0 in the college competition took him to victory. That wasn't the last of his acomplishments Daniel placed 4th at the 1998 World Championships in Tehran, Iran. In 1999, he placed second at the World Cup. In September 1999, Daniel became the first Canadian man to become to become a world wrestling champion after he defeated six people to win the gold medal in the men's 69 kilogram division at the world freestyle wrestling championships in Ankara, Turkey. At the 2000 Sydney Olympics when he was crowned a Olympic Champion. He dedicated his medal to his mother who passes away 1 year befor winning the medal. Daniel enjoyed play Kabaddi which is a East Indian sport, soccer and video games. Also he enjoys ready Mystery novels. Daniel is the president of Igali Foundation Inc.

Assignment #4

First of all think all of my peers did a wonerful job on their Assignment #3! The first one that I chose is Hanad's Assignment #3. Here it is "I predict in 2109 there will be more discoveries. There will be better history for the teacher's and student's because of the historic election. There won't be flying cars but there will be nicer cars. I also think the technolgy will be better then 2009 and years before it because they will have a better eduction. There will be diffrent style of clothes then modern days." Hanad Hashi E7A. The second one I found is by Colton. Here it is "Hello.In this post I'm going to talk about what I think will happen in 2109 (Following on Christopher Moore's blog.) In 2109 i believe there will be all new technology, like talking robot butlers, rocket cars, floating cities, and who knows, mabye we will be trading stocks with martians! Anyway, there could be anything happening in 2109. Even though i probably won't even be alive in 2109, whoever is would be pretty lucky." Colton Eccleshall E7A. The last Assignment #3 I chose was from Zaid. "In 2109 alot will change. We are now hearing about global warming in 2009. How bad will it get in 2109. Global warming is already such a big issue in the world. If you look anywhere you will see smoke rising into the sky. You can look anywhere and u will see smoke coming from houses,buildings, especially those big factory's. There is already so much pollution in 2009. How much will there be in 2109? Il tell you. We have been advancing in technology from when the first pioneers came to know. Before they used to use axes and saws to cut down trees. Now we use chain saws and big trucks. In the future they might use robots or they might have radar controlled trucks that cut down trees without anyone driving it. If they do make radar controlled trucks we know one thing there will be alot more pollution. That means that global warming will become a really big issue in 2109 or even before that. Right now humans run factory's that produce alot alot of smoke. In 2109 they might make machines that control them selves that will mean more gas will be used with means more pollution. Right now in 2009 we have sent robot space ships to visit mars. Scientests have found frozen bacteria there that was once living. If bacteria can live somewhere very far from earth why can't we? We might all board big ships that can fly and go to a difrent planet to live on. The earth will probably be used as a place where they run all there factory on and send us all to a difrent planet. Even worse earth might just blow up becouse of all the harm done to it or used as a garbage site. Isreal is attacking gaza with bombs and difrent wepons that is causing dammage to the earth. In 2109 people will be using more advanced bombs that will cause 2x the dammage to the earth and people witch will lead to mass distruction on earth. We already cut down alot of the trees and destroyed rain forests to build factorys that kill the earth. In 2109 the trees might become extinct or they will be indangerd of being extint. With all the trees gone there will be nothing besides small plants to take the carbon deoxide and switch it to oxygen. That could lead to us all having to be forced to leave earth and go to a difrent planted. Besides from all the bad things there could be some good things too. There might be a new law saying that using gas for anything is illegal. We might start using corn oil (ethanol) instead of gas or there might be solar powerd cars. We could start getting all our electrisity from windmills, dams, and solar power. We might make a special day in everyone month where everyone has to go outside and pickup all the garbage they see to help the earth. There might be a new law saying that chopping down more than 100 trees a month is illegal. We might start a whole new program where everyone goes outside and plants trees. Lastly and most importantly there might be world peace. Please cheack out Christopher Moore's blog." Zaid Khalid E7B.